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    Noni juice provides a rich source of vitamin C, biotin, and folate. It contains Vitamin E, Magnesium, Potassium, and Calcium as well. Noni juice is used to reduce total cholesterol and triglyceride and chronic pain, painful inflammation, and swelling.

    Features & Benefits:

    • Great source of vitamin C, biotin, and folate.
    • High levels of antioxidants and reduces the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes[1].
    • Reduce uric acid in the blood and thus lower the risk of gout.
    • Effective in reducing arthritis pain and also reduce joint reduction implicated in arthritis, due to its analgesic properties.
    • Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-histamine properties.
    • Helps to reduce muscle spasm.
    • Noni helps to normalize menstrual disorders & cramps.
    • Noni supports healthy & shiny hair growth.



    1. Dietary, circulating beta-carotene and risk of all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis from prospective studies, Long-GangZhao, Qing-LiZhang, Scientific Reports, 2016

    Packaging Size : 500ml - Packof1 - Packof2 - Packof3